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  • SenseGraphics
  • 分类:大型投影系统


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SenseGraphics' vision is to facilitate application development of haptic, and co-located hapto-visual, applications.
Founded in 2004 in Stockholm, SenseGraphics represents over twenty years of experience in the haptics and graphics industry.
Our company provides a high performance application development platform which enables integration of haptics and 3D stereo visualization into multimodal software applications. Our development platform consists of two main components, hardware and software solutions, offering the complete set of technologies needed to initiate 3D or haptics application development.
H3D API, SenseGraphics flagship product, is a dual commercial and GPL (open source) licensed software that has been recognized by many in the haptics industry as an ideal development platform for multi-sensory applications. H3D API uses the open standards X3D and OpenGL, and leverages on a diverse range of haptics platforms and technology including those of SenseAble, Novint and ForceDimension. We also offer professional haptic training, support and consulting services, as well as custom hardware solutions. 
SenseGraphics公司的旗舰产品H3D API是一款优秀的多感应程序开发平台,已得到触觉技术行业的普遍认可。目前该产品既作为商业软件出售,同时也作为开源软件发布。H3D API采用X3D和OpenGL标准,并结合了SenseAble、Novint和ForceDimension等企业的触觉平台和技术。此外,SenseGraphics公司还提供专业的触觉技术培训、技术支持及顾问服务,并能够根据客户需求提供特制的硬件解决方案
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