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  • Polhemus
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公司最初由Bill Polhemus先生于1969年创办,位于美国密歇根州的Grand Rapids。在1971年初,Polhemus迁址到佛蒙特的伯灵顿区。公司在3D跟踪解决方案的研发方面有着30余年历史。现在我们仍然坚守公司承诺,力求提供给客户最好的解决方案。我们能够为动作捕捉、扫描、及整体跟踪应用领域提供最高品质的3D动作跟踪系统。
A privately held company since September 2002, Polhemus has been previously owned and operated by major aerospace companies. In just its first years of being privately owned, Polhemus introduced several new products, and multiple software releases. Polhemus continues to release cutting edge technology with the latest and greatest in electromagnetic tracking, making us"First in the third dimension."
Polhemus is the number one global provider of 3D position/orientation tracking systems, digitizing technology solutions, eye-tracking systems and handheld three-dimensional scanners. These products are used for the medical industry, university research, military training and simulation industry, and the computer-aided design industry. 
The company was founded in 1969 by Bill Polhemus in Grand Rapids, MI. In early 1971 Polhemus moved to the Burlington, VT area. Polhemus has been developing 3D tracking solutions for over 30 years. We have an ongoing commitment to delivering the best solutions. We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality 3D motion tracking systems for motion capture, scanning and overall tracking applications. 
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